As far as I know, there isn't yet an -ory for this so I'm going to coin it now: obrasprazotory.
It means ongoing works which take a period of time to complete. The etymology is Portuguese: obras = works and prazo = a period of time.
There is a related noun - obrasprazoteurism - which is the pleasure derived from periodically inspecting progress with an obrasprazotory (OP for short) and reporting back to one's other half. Partakers of this delight are referred to as obrasprazoteurs and the sensation becomes the more delicious the longer the gap between inspections (obrasprazotations): 24 hours is optimal, 48 hours is daring and 72 hours is not medically recommended due to the complications which can ensue from such breathless disclosures as "You'll never guess! They've started on the other side of the road below the church ...!" It's also possible to become addicted with OP-holics sneaking off for furtive OP-tations when they should be getting on with other things (and in common with all such matters, the more often the hit, the less potent it becomes).
There have been a number of OPs ongoing in Fajã Grande recently resulting in something of an over indulgence in OP-teurism, e.g. the street naming, house numbering, new pavements etc. as referred to in posts passim. But as these begin to wind down another one begins: the repainting of José António and Linda's village shop and bar (aka since recently No. 7 Rua Senador André de Freitas):

This is great news since it's one of the nicest buildings in the village (note the architectural details like the lozenges on the frieze above the windows), right at the centre next to church and I don't think JA and Linda would mind me mentioning that it was looking a bit, ahem, "tired" externally. The picture above shows some of the old paint having been taken off on Day 1. A very thorough job is being done here (on a back wall not visible in this pic, the entire plaster is being taken off, never mind just the old paint). It's going to look sensational when it's finished.
It's some days off yet, but I shall have to ensure I've taken my medication in the days leading up to the obrasprazotation which results in the report "The new paint's beginning to go on!"
I'll keep you posted.
Here in the States we have a similar affliction that we term "sidewalk supervising" (cf. the phenomenon of "back-seat driving"), which can include offering unsolicited advice to workers out in public as well as editorializing on the news and swapping socio-political commentary.
The custom is still practiced in small towns by retired men -- typically in small groups (rather than solo) so they can try to one-up each other with their critiques -- on their daily perambulations to/from park benches (affording their long-suffering wives a few hours of peace and quiet between meals at home) or at midday repasts (e.g., breakfast, coffee-break or lunch) at the local diner, which must be noted for its wide variety of superb homemade pies (make mine lemon meringue, please!). One of my husband's grandfathers, a retired railroad laborer, was for many years an accomplished "sidewalk supervisor" in a small town (pop. 2300) in the Midwest.
I'm sure JA and Linda concur re their building looking a bit tired, otherwise they wouldn't be going to the expense and inconvenience of having it repainted. Judging by the completed section, it should look quite spiffy when done!
There are two sidewalk supervisors here in FG who have been kept quite busy of late constituting a panel of expertise for the guidance of the pavementers. Obrasprazoteurism, on the other hand, is an entirely different discipline as its practitioners go out of their way NOT to be seen to be gawping at the works ...
Judging by your earlier photos, Fajã Grande's pair of "sidewalk supervisors" appear to have done a first-rate job overseeing the repaving of the sidewalks (how apt!).
Your observations seem to be more the equivalent of time-lapse photography, right? Still sounds like low-key fun (a good thing, in my book).
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