Thursday, 2 October 2014

Easties lookalike

Has anyone else noticed the uncanny resemblance between multi-Olympic gold winning British athlete, Dame Kelly Holmes, DBE, and Tosh off Easties. I'm given to understand that appearance is not the only thing they share in common. If by any chance they are related, then don't tell Shirl.

 Holmes                                           Tosh


Kathie said...

Aw c'mon, there must surely be more news in FG these days than this!!!

Anonymous said...

To Kathie,
Foreigners are full of enthusiams when they first visit Flores: this place is so much like no other place in the world, you see.
However, with time (which can run maddeningly slowly on an island like Flores), and a little help from the fog, rain, wind, storms and isolation, the enthusiasm starts waning, until, finally, inevitably, plans start being made to move or spend the Winter somewhere else (read: visit for a coupla months, June/July).
But what Flores needs is people who love it to distraction and for a lifetime; people who want to make it their permanent home; comers and goers, or those who fall madly in love with it for a season or two, build homes and then leave them empty most of the year, are not a big help for the stability of Flores' community.

Kathie said...

2015 calendar's in the mail, with 5 (FIVE!) full pages devoted to Flores this time. Please let me know when you get it, OK?

Boas festas!