I think this is because entries are posted in the order you start composing them rather than the order you publish them and there's nothing you can do to change it. How daft is that? From the blogging arm of Google, the internet company which made it's fortune by being user friendly. Mind you, I suppose Blogspot is free so you can't complain. (Well you can - you can write to your MP.) But really - more things to get cross about.
As Sybil Fawlty so memorably (and accurately) put it "And the reason why it's cheap IS IT'S NO BLOODY GOOD!"

In portuguese we use to say that "if you buy cheap you buy (it) twice". and most of the times this is correct.
Actually I think you can. If you go to "Post Options" to the left of "Labels" at the bottom of the text box and check "Scheduled at" you can set the date you want it to be shown - even in the past.
And now you all know why I don't have a blog! It's easier to maintain a website, where one can update at will.
Well I have wondered why you don't have a blog, Kathie! What's the URL of your website?
TWO websites, each in support of a book I co-translated!
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